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20 Jul, 2012

China Explains Syria Veto: Regime Change Should Not Be Determined By External Forces

Author: Zhong Sheng, (People's Daily Online)

July 18, 2012 – The political solution is the only way to resolve the issue of Syria. Some states still do not abandon their intention of changing Syrian regime by external forces. This is one of important reasons why the mediation of Special Envoy Kofi Annan is difficult to go on and the resolutions of the U.N. Security Council are hardly implemented.

The political life of Syrian leaders can only be decided by Syrian people. As long as the decision is unanimously reached in Syria, no matter what it is, the international community should pay full respect to it. Only by expressing the will of Syrian people, can the long-drawn-out conflicts be expected to come to an end as soon as possible and the vision of national reconciliation and peace rebuilding be guaranteed.

It is a universal question of principle, not only for Syria, who decides the regime of a state, the people of the state or the external force.

The issue of Libya is a warning. When some people praised the NATO who directly participated in the war of Libya as the great “contributor” to change the regime of Muammar Gaddafi, have they thought of numerous innocent lives taken away by the war and how Libyan people can cure their post-war trauma?

It is very easy for the most powerful military alliance to overthrow the regime of a small country by war. It sounds like the alliance has the strong sense of justice and responsibility to change a regime and stop the humanitarian disaster by force. However, can the unceasing terrorist attacks and bombings in the following 10 years after regime change not be regarded as humanitarian disasters? The wars launched in the 21st century have proved again and again that “pursuit of democracy” and “humanitarianism” are nothing but excuses for the powerful states to seek profits.

External forces should not intervene in the regime change of a state, which not only is responsible for the people of the state involved but also maintains the order of international community. Sovereign equality and non-interference in each other’s internal affairs are basic principles of the U.N. Charter.

Following the basic principles of the U.N. Charter is respect to human wisdom and consolidation of U.N. authority. Not any international treaty empowers the leader of one country to decide when the leader of other countries can assume power or not. The best way of dealing with global affairs is by the United Nations, not wars launched by external forces.

China’s consistent stance is to push forward the political settlement of the Syrian issue and promote regional stability of the Middle East by sticking to principles, which not only caters for the fundamental interests of Syrian people but also reflects China’s high sense of responsibility to safeguard world peace as a permanent member of the U.N. Security Council.