10 Apr, 2012
Global Mayan Conference Gathers to Dispel Notion of 2012 “Apocalypse”
Yreka, California (PRWEB) April 09, 2012 — While Hollywood movie makers, NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory and various unauthorized ‘experts’ have shared opinions about what the end of the Mayan Calendar means, the Maya have remained very quiet about the astronomical event. That is, until now.
On April 12-15, Mayan spiritual leaders, scientists and anthropologists will gather to share their ancient and contemporary perspectives at a global teleconference that is open to everyone.
What: “The International Mayan Telesummit: Messages from the Heart of the Mayan Lands”
When: April 12 – 15, with a special press teleconference on Thursday, April 12, 10 am Pacific Time.
Attendance information: Free and open to the public (all talks will be translated into English and Spanish). The public can register and learn more about the Mayan Telesummit at http://2012mayansummit.com.
After decades of watching quietly while others share perspectives on the wisdom encoded in the Mayan calendar, spiritual leaders of this ancient living Mayan culture will use today’s modern technology to offer the world what has been passed down through oral tradition over thousands of years.
Mayan Spiritual Guide OmeAkaEhekatl Erick Gonzalez said, “Many years ago, the Mayan elders of Guatemala asked me to share the message of the indigenous people of the world with the rest of our human relations- a message they have talked about (and a way of being they have lived) for thousands of years.”
Scheduled to begin with an opening prayer by OmeAkaEhekatl on Thursday, April 12 at 5 pm Pacific, the Mayan Telesummit: Messages from the Heart of the Mayan Lands will be a four-day virtual event, free to the public. In addition to presentations by OmeAkaEhekatl, the summit will feature Mayan experts in hieroglyphic writing, anthropology, codices (the codes contained in the Mayan Calendar), artists, indigenous rights activists and one of the last living Tz’utujil Maya elders of Lago Atitlan, the same sub-group of indigenous Maya that gave rise to Martin Prechtel a North American author.
OmeAkaEhekatl continues, “After accepting this sacred responsibility to bring the message of the Mayan elders to the people of the world more than thirty years ago, this summit is a culmination of decades of ceremony, incredible lessons and devotion to the earth and her people.”
Through a video released last month, scientists at NASA provide compelling evidence that regardless of the noteworthy changes happening on planet earth, it isn’t possible that the world ends on Dec 21, 2012. What that video doesn’t provide is why this “shift of the ages” – the completion of a 26,000 year cycle of life is significant to the Mayan people, not as an “apocalypse” but as a time to prepare their families and communities for changes to come.
Known by the Maya as the Oxlajuj B’aqtun, Dec 21, 2012 is not just an ending, but a beginning. Representatives from Komon Ajq’ijab Oxlajuj B’aqtun, a group of Mayan Spiritual Guides, will be offering a collective reflection on the meaning of the Oxlajuj B’aqtun during the Summit.
Founder of the group Komon Ajq’ijab Oxlajuj B’aqtun K’iche’ Maya Tat José Angel Zapeta García says, “The entry of the Oxlajuj B’aqtún is an enormous opportunity for all men and women to recuperate our natural connection with the Mother Earth, to listen to her voice, and that together we will save the forests, springs, and biological diversity.”
OmeAkaEhekatl feels the Mayan Summit is happening at a critical time on the planet and stresses how important it is to gather our entire human family. Both indigenous and non-indigenous peoples must come together to see us through this great transition. No one should be left behind.
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