25 Jan, 2012
Stress Reducing Strategies for Chronically Unhappy Wives

Atlanta, GA (PRWEB) January 25, 2012 — In 2009, AOL and Women’s Day took a poll that revealed 70% of American women seriously admitted they were considering divorce. “Obviously, women are not happy and believe that breaking up their marriage and starting another relationship will bring them the happiness they desire. This is an overwhelming mirage, and most women repeat the same mistakes, with the same type of men and end up unhappy,” states Rachel (pronounced raw-kul) Adler, mentor and professional coach of the recently launched WifeMentor.com.
In an effort to support struggling women in America, and throughout the world, WifeMentor.com was created to help calm, soothe and bring peace to wives who feel trapped with no way out and no hope of improvement. Certainly, conventional forms of psychotherapy and marriage counseling are available, but frequently generate counter-productive results. What’s more, such therapy is not always within every couple’s affordable reach due to both economic and time restrictions. As the number of Internet therapy and coaching options grow, WifeMentor.com is leading the application of this new technology in the self-help arena of relationships.
“The biggest problem women have in relationships,” states Mrs. Adler, “is anger. It clouds a woman’s natural, better judgement often resulting in undesirable decisions they regret. WifeMentor.com was created to calm and nurture wives, allowing them to be better wives and improve their marriage without expensive drugs or never-ending psychotherapy. When we are calm, we can think more clearly and rationally. When anger is at bay, we are more patient, kind, understanding, and forgiving. These are simple concepts, I know, but they are also at the heart of a strong marriage. When those qualities are lacking, every marriage is headed for trouble.”
While there are many forms of therapy available to couples to rekindle, improve or even save their marriage, but the Wife Mentor Series was designed exclusively for the wife. When asked why the Wife Mentor Series was created for the wife, without a comparable program for the husband, Rachel states, “The wife is the heart of the home. When the wife is happy, everyone is happy. Making little changes makes all the difference, and the wives that follow my program see excellent results. Their husbands are thrilled.”
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