27 Jan, 2012
Europe Hotel Room-Nights Hit 1.6 billion in 2011, up 3.8%
Brussels, (January 26, 2012) – In 2011, the number of nights spent in hotels and similar establishments1 in the EU27 reached a peak of 1.6 billion nights, up by 3.8% compared with 2010. The evolution of the number of nights spent in hotels in the EU27 showed alternating phases of growth and decline over the last decade. After a low point in 2003, the number of nights spent grew steadily for four successive years. In 2008 and 2009, the number of nights spent in the EU27 fell, but in 2010 began to recover from the crisis to reach a new record in 2011 for both nights spent by residents and by non-residents.
Number of nights spent in hotels and similar establishments, EU27, 2000-2011
(Index: 2000=100)
These estimates, which include nights spent whether for business or leisure, come from a publication2 from Eurostat, the statistical office of the European Union.
Highest increase in number of hotel nights in the Baltic Member States, Bulgaria and Romania
Among the Member States for which data are available, the highest numbers of nights spent in hotels in 2011 were recorded in Spain (288 million nights, +7.8% compared with 2010), Italy (249 mn, -1.2%), Germany (241 mn, +5.4%), France (202 mn, +3.0%) and the United Kingdom (166 mn, +0.5%). These five Member States accounted for 70% of the total number of hotel nights spent in the EU27.
The number of nights spent in hotels in 2011 increased in all Member States, except Italy (-1.2%). The largest increases were recorded in Lithuania (+19.8%), Bulgaria (+18.3%), Estonia (+14.6%), Latvia (+14.1%) and Romania (+12.9%), and the smallest in the United Kingdom (+0.5%), Austria (+0.6%) and Malta (+0.7%).
Highest number of nights spent by non-residents in Spain and Italy
In 2011, non-residents accounted for 47% of the total number of nights spent in hotels in the EU27 compared with 53% for residents. Apart from the two Mediterranean islands, Malta (96%) and Cyprus (92%), the highest shares of nights spent by non-residents were registered in Estonia (76%), Latvia (75%), Austria (72%) and Bulgaria (71%), and the lowest in Romania (17%), Germany (21%) and Sweden (23%).
In the EU27, the number of hotel nights spent by non-residents grew by 7.3% between 2010 and 2011 and nights spent by residents increased by 1.2%. In 2011, the number of nights spent by non-residents rose in all Member States, with the largest increases in Bulgaria (+19.5%) and Lithuania (+19.3%). The highest numbers of hotel nights spent by non-residents were registered in Spain (177 mn, +14.7% compared with 2010), Italy (116 mn, +3.9%), France (67 mn, +2.3%) and the United Kingdom (61 mn, +3.6%).
The majority of Member States recorded a growth in the number of hotel nights spent by residents in 2011, with the largest increases in Lithuania (+20.6%), Bulgaria (+15.0%) and Romania (+13.4%). The highest numbers of nights spent by residents in hotels were observed in Germany (190 mn, +5.3% compared with 2010), France (135 mn, +3.4%), Italy (133 mn, -5.1%), Spain (111 mn, -1.7%) and the United Kingdom (105 mn, -1.2%).
- Hotels and similar establishments (“Hotels” in the text): Hotels, apartment hotels, motels, roadside inns, beach hotels and other similar establishments which provide hotel services including more than bed-making and cleaning of the room and sanitary facilities. Similar establishments are other similar types of accommodation which is let per room and has a limited number of hotel-type services, including bed making and cleaning of rooms and sanitary facilities, on a daily basis.
- The number of nights includes nights spent by both residents and non-residents, whether for business or leisure.
- Eurostat, Statistic in Focus, 8/2012 “Occupancy of tourist accommodation surpasses the pre-crisis level. Tourism in Europe: first results for 2011”. Available free of charge in PDF format on the Eurostat website.
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