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15 Nov, 2011

Another war is coming? – People’s Daily Online

It is said that the U.S. Department of Defense has submitted a plan to attack Iran with military force. Will the United States and Israel really carry out military operations against Iran at this time or are they just bluffing to pressure Iran?

After strictly, comprehensively and reliably assessing a great amount of information, the International Atomic Energy Agency believes Iran indeed organically and systematically carried out activities related to developing nuclear weapons at least before the end of 2003, according to the latest report on the nuclear issue inside Iran published by the agency on Nov. 8.

The United States believed that report was the most comprehensive and specific assessment report on Iran’s nuclear development situation and it brought up many doubts on the nature of Iran’s nuclear plan. Without question, this report probably will determine the future trend of the nuclear issue of Iran and even turn into a pretext for the United States and Israel to attack Iran.

via Another war is coming? – People’s Daily Online.