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9 Sep, 2011

New western colonialism emerges in Libya – People’s Daily Online

France has long viewed its active interference in Libya’s military conflicts as “investments in the future.” Even the United States, which was unwilling to take the lead in interfering in the conflicts, has changed its attitude and dispatched a high-level delegation led by Secretary of State Hillary Clinton to the conference in Paris to discuss Libya’s post-war reconstruction, casting a greedy eye on the interests in Libya. Russia-based newspaper “Kommersant” bluntly pointed out that the conference in Paris has marked the beginning of the “distribution of the interests” in the oil-rich North African country among western countries.

The West is unlikely to let the Libyan people decide their own political and economic future, which can be regarded as a form of neo-colonialism. Many African elites are worried that Africa may be colonized again as the African Union and other regional organizations have been marginalized in the handling of African issues. Experts warned that Western countries could repeat the Libyan model in other countries if they become obsessed with regime change through military intervention.

via New western colonialism emerges in Libya – People’s Daily Online.