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12 Sep, 2011

Let’s Put 9/11 Behind Us and End the Blank Check it Has Become for America’s Endless Wars | AlterNet

Ask yourself this: ten years into the post-9/11 era, haven’t we had enough of ourselves? If we have any respect for history or humanity or decency left, isn’t it time to rip the Band-Aid off the wound, to remove 9/11 from our collective consciousness? No more invocations of those attacks to explain otherwise inexplicable wars in Iraq and Afghanistan and our oh-so-global war on terror. No more invocations of 9/11 to keep the Pentagon and the national security state flooded with money. No more invocations of 9/11 to justify every encroachment on liberty, every new step in the surveillance of Americans, every advance in pat-downs and wand-downs and strip downs that keeps fear high and the homeland security state afloat.

via Let’s Put 9/11 Behind Us and End the Blank Check it Has Become for America’s Endless Wars | News & Politics | AlterNet.