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17 Sep, 2011

Asia Times Online : To King Sarkozy, the spoils

To the sound of Apache helicopters patrolling the Mediterranean, and escorted by dozens of riot police, King Sarko felt the need to tell an unsuspecting world, “What we did was for humanitarian reasons. There was no hidden agenda.”

But just in case – and with Tripoli’s top two hotels swarming with multilingual contractors/vultures – the chairman of the dodgy Transitional National Council (TNC), Mustafa Abdul Jalil, had to spell out the agenda: “allies and friends” would “have priority within a framework of transparency” in sharing the loot. So many juicy oil and gas (and water and uranium and reconstruction) contracts to bag, so little time.

Echoing King Sarko, Little Dave bombastically proclaimed, “the Arab spring could become an Arab summer”. That’s code for NATO ready to bomb more dictators to oblivion – as long as there are any opportunist “rebels” willing to call the (European) cavalry by exhibiting “pro-democracy” credentials, fake or otherwise.

via Asia Times Online :: THE ROVING EYE: To King Sarkozy, the spoils.