9 Oct, 2011
‘There is no sensible alternative to a two-state solution’ | Jordan Times
Against the backdrop of the expansion of settlements, I asked myself whether a two-state solution was feasible. The optimists still think it is – just. But time is running out.
There are still Palestinians who, despite the wall that separates their villages from Israeli settlements (but often also from their land) and the daily restrictions on their freedom of movement, still hope that a deal can be done. For them it is a question of dignity: to bring an end to the daily humiliations and frustrations they face, and to build an economy like any other, with free movement of people and goods.
It seems to me that there is no sensible alternative to a two-state solution. A one-state solution is in neither community’s interests. And continuing to deny the Palestinians the freedom and justice demanded elsewhere in the Middle East would surely be contrary to the universal values that the United Nations embodies.
via ‘There is no sensible alternative to a two-state solution’ | Jordan Times.
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