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19 Mar, 2014

Why parents should embrace date nights | The Guardian

Welcome to child-centric family life where time alone has all but vanished. Adult recreation – supper, a glass of wine and Newsnight – now merges amorphously with last-minute maths revision, packing sports kits and urging children to get ready for bed – a ritual they are true masters at protracting.

Couples therapists would say parents like us should work harder to balance our priorities in order to preserve the family unit. It’s even on the political agenda in some countries; well, Scandinavia anyway. Last October, the government in Oslo issued a plea to parents in Norway to embrace “date nights” more frequently in response to rising divorce rates – now 40%, with those aged 40 to 44 most vulnerable to separation.

Read the rest: Why parents should embrace date nights | Life and style | The Guardian.