23 Sep, 2012
I’ll say it my way – Hindustan Times
Think of a sharp practice in human affairs and you will find its very master in India, or of a genre of human roguery, of political skullduggery, of financial chicanery, of professional trickery and India will show you its finest guru in a virtuoso performance as well as forms of selfishness so saw-toothed as could make dust-plumes of your own brother’s bones, and yet that very India can show you simple human beings taking Fate’s whiplash on their own chests in order to protect another, that India, democratic India, the Republic of India, where dissent has space, expression is free, initiative is free, the vote is free, the India of the young, of achievers, of sports-stars and scientists, crafts-persons and artists, that India makes us proud, immensely proud of India. Today’s India is a divided truth.’
Read the rest of this fabulous commentary: I’ll say it my way – Hindustan Times.
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