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5 Jan, 2012

The Only English-language Books Ever Written About Historic 1987 Visit Thailand Year

Way back in 1987, Travel Impact Newswire Executive Editor Imtiaz Muqbil was the only industry journalist to realise the long-term significance of Visit Thailand Year, and how the momentous event would forever change both the country and the industry.

To help this foresight benefit future generations, he chronicled the historic tourism extravaganza in two books named, “The First Report – A Study of the Thai Tourism Revolution” and “The Thai Tourism Industry – Coping With the Challenge of Growth“, published respectively in 1988 and 1989. Together, they provide the only English-language record of how 1987 VTY was planned and executed, the many industry stalwarts who contributed to its success and what happened in its immediate aftermath.

Every tourism academic, consultant, strategic planner and thinker should read these books. Both are now available in exchange for a contribution of US$250. [Please click here to process the contribution.]

Please click on the images below for a preview of the books.


Visit Thailand Year was a momentous year in the history of Thai tourism. Based on the 60th birthday of His Majesty King Bhumibhol Adulyadej, celebrated by the Thai nation on 5 December 1987, Visit Thailand Year focused international attention on the country, increased awareness of tourism as a major economic force and proved true the long-taught but rarely-practised slogan that the Kingdom’s true tourism strength lies in how well the private and public sectors can cooperate.

This is a report of how the Thai travel industry fared in that epoch-making year. It strives to examine the year’s successes and failures and analyse the issues that have emerged.

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Thailand is one of those unique countries that never ceases to shock and flabbergast the outsider, and very often the insider too. Once written off as the next-in-line to be chopped by the so-called Domino Effect that saw Vietnam, Laos and Cambodia fall to communism, Thailand has bounced back and attained worldwide recognition as a bastion of regional economic growth and political freedom that even its erstwhile enemies respect.

This book analyses the issues facing the Thai travel industry in the aftermath of 1987 Visit Thailand Year, identify the opportunities and highlight the challenges that lie ahead.

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