10 Oct, 2011
US media blackout of protest is shameful – chinadaily.com.cn
One of the best-kept secrets in the United States over the past two weeks seems to be the protest on and near Wall Street in New York.
More than 1,000 people protested on the first day, September 17, marching and chanting slogans. Yet the demonstration, known as Occupy Wall Street, did not appear on the major networks’ evening news or in major newspapers the next day.
The protest, now in its 14th day, only got limited coverage last Saturday when heavy-handed police arrested close to 100 people and pepper-sprayed several female demonstrators. But most coverage that day was not in-depth.
While there are many videos of harsh police action on the Internet, I have witnessed how the formerly helpful police patrolling the streets have suddenly resorted to force in Zuccotti Park, also known as Liberty Plaza, in Lower Manhattan.
via US media blackout of protest is shameful|Chen Weihua|chinadaily.com.cn.
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