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21 Dec, 2015

Indonesian film explores anti-Muslim discrimination in the US – The Jakarta Post

Acha Septriasa and Abimana Aryasatya mark their return to the screen after starring in 99 Cahaya di Langit Eropa (Ninety-nine Lights in the European Sky) and its two sequels — the predecessors of their latest film Bulan Terbelah di Langit Amerika (Split Moon in the American Sky). The latest film, Bulan Terbelah, gives a glimpse of life as a Muslim in the US following the 9/11 tragedy.The film, directed by Rizal Mantovani, begins with an American Muslim family celebrating the birthday of the daughter, Sarah Hussein, a day before the tragedy.

Read the rest: ‘Bulan Terbelah’: A glimpse into Muslim discrimination in the US | The Jakarta Post