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28 Feb, 2015

Norwegian doctor in Gaza speaks at Israel Apartheid Week in Oslo

He is one of the few foreign doctors who have seen from close the horrific consequences of several Israeli aggressions on Palestinians. Dr. Mads Gilbert, a Norwegian doctor, has been travelling to and from Gaza for several years to treat Palestinians at the al-Shifa hospital. He was also there during the Israeli aggression last summer. Now, he is in Oslo to give a lecture during the Israeli Apartheid Week.

Israeli Apartheid Week is a decade-old international student movement. One of its aims is to educate people about the Israeli system of apartheid in the occupied Palestinian territories. Last year it was held at over 200 universities across the world. It is the third time it is being held at the University of Oslo; and has reached the climax with the lecture by Mads Gilbert.

Read the rest: PressTV.