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7 Jan, 2015

The West is wrong again in its fight against terror – The Times of India

Islamic State (ISIS) will remain at the centre of the escalating crisis in the Middle East this year as it was in 2014. The territories it conquered in a series of lightning campaigns last summer remain almost entirely under its control, even though it has lost some towns to the Kurds and Shia militias in recent weeks.

United States air strikes in Iraq from 8 August and Syria from 23 September may have slowed up ISIS advances and inflicted heavy casualties on its forces in the Syrian Kurdish town of Kobani. But ISIS has its own state machinery and is conscripting tens of thousands of fighters to replace casualties, enabling it to fight on multiple fronts from Jalawla on Iraq’s border with Iran to the outskirts of Aleppo in Syria.

In western Syria, ISIS is a growing power as the Syrian government of President Basharal-Assad loses its advantage of fighting a fragmented opposition, that is now uniting under the leadership of ISIS and Jabhatal-Nusra, the Syrian affiliate of al-Qaeda.

Read the rest: War with ISIS: The West is wrong again in its fight against terror – The Times of India.