2 Dec, 2014
Australian Police in doghouse over strip searches – Sydney Morning Herald
Invasive strip searches by police have increased by almost a third in NSW over the past five years, with thousands of people stripped naked on the basis of sniffer dogs incorrectly indicating they are carrying drugs.
Distressed patrons from music festivals and other events report being forced to take all their clothes off and squat down so police could check that they were not concealing drugs anywhere on, or in, their body, despite drug dog identifications being wrong the majority of the time.
On Sunday Fairfax Media revealed data obtained by the NSW Greens shows each year about 10,000 innocent people are subjected to general police searches for drugs after sniffer dogs incorrectly indicate they are carrying drugs, with searches turning up no drugs in about 64 per cent of cases.
On Monday night a forum was held in Redfern, which Fairfax Media has revealed people are 6.5 times more likely to be searched. Greens candidate Jenny Leong said if elected she would introduce legislation to shut down sniffer dog use in the general population.
Read the rest: Police in doghouse over strip searches.
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