4 Aug, 2014
Israel’s “Final Solution” for Gaza and the Cadaverous Conscience of the West
With very few exceptions, the western press’ headlines are designed to spare Israel, rather than to inform. When the Israelis shell a United Nations’ school in which some one thousand women and children were seeking shelter, and kill or injure scores of them, the CNN headline reads, “Strike hits shelter in Gaza.” That is, it was not Israel, but the “Strike” that committed the atrocity.
CNN that has made a practice of transferring those reporters who express normal human outrage at the Israel’s savagery, goes on to further muddy the waters by claiming that “it is unclear who was behind the incident”. In a similar vein, and using the headline, “Blasts kill 16 seeking shelter at Gaza school,” the NYT blames the “Blasts” rather than the Israeli army for the carnage. It places the responsibility for the massacre on Hamas. Earlier in the conflict, when shells fired by an Israeli gunboat killed four Palestinian boys who were playing on a beach, the NYT first reported the tragedy matter-of-factly with the headline, “Four Young Boys Killed Playing on Gaza Beach.” However, by 9:00 PM of that day (7/16/2014), it decided to censor itself in favor of Israel and the headline was changed to “Boys Drawn to Gaza Beach, and Into Center of Mideast Strife.” The doctored headline appeared on the paper’s front page on July 17th. No whiff of Israeli culpability in the murder of these children remains in the revised headline of America’s “journal of record.”
Most of the West’s “free press” feels quite free to spin the story of Gaza’s misery in favor of Israel. This is a fact of western journalism that is too well-known to the discerning reader.
Read the rest: Mehr News Agency – Israel’s “Final Solution” for Gaza and the Cadaverous Conscience of the West.
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