20 Oct, 2013
Buddhist-Muslim Forum on Peace & Sustainability to be held in KL, Nov 1
Two leading social activists and thinkers from Thailand and Malaysia are to be amongst main speakers at an International Buddhist-Muslim Forum on Peace And Sustainability to be organised in Kuala Lumpur on 01 November 2013.
The forum is being organised by the Institute of Islamic Understanding Malaysia (IKIM), the International Network of Engaged Buddhists (INEB) and the International Movement for a Just World (JUST). The two speakers will Dr. Chandra Muzaffar, President of JUST, and Prof Sulak Sivaraksa, Founder and Co-Chair Advisor Committee of INEB. The forum will be held at the IKIM Main Hall between 8.00am – 4.00pm. Admission is free.
The forum is one of many such events being organised by prominent religious leaders, scholars and thinkers around the ASEAN region to ensure that the process of regional integration set to take place by 2015 is peaceful and safeguard it from being disrupted by divisive elements, especially those fomented from outside the region.
Many such divisive forces are actively at work, especially citizens of countries holding dual-passports, who are using their contacts in the media and the political, educational and social spheres to whip up religious conflict.
The opening address will be delivered by former Malaysian Prime Minister Tun Abdullah Ahmad Badawi, Chairman of IKIM. Other speakers will included YBhg. Datuk Nik Mustapha bin Nik Hassan, Director General of IKIM, Dr. Harsha Kumara Navaratne, Chair of INEB Executive Committee, Anas Zubedy, Secretary General of JUST.
Dr Muzaffar and Prof Sulak will then participate in a Forum on Inter-Faith Dialogue For Peace And Sustainbility along with YBhg. Prof. Datin Dr. Azizan bt. Baharuddin, Deputy Director- General of IKIM and Rev. Alan Senauke, Advisory Committee of INEB and Clear View Project, USA.
Please confirm participation by 25th October, 2013 via fax or e-mail : Tel: Vidya- 6012-399 5723 or Fah- 603 7781 2494; Fax: 603 7781 3245. Email: ineb-my@inebnetwork.org or fah@just-international.org
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